The problem

Bodies of water collapse

Our waters are threatened: Waste, microplastics, industrial wastewater and conventional agriculture pollute rivers, lakes and oceans. At the same time, the accumulation of nutrients such as phosphate and nitrate results in oxygen-poor zones that endanger the survival of fish and waterbirds. Global warming is accelerating all these processes and threatening the livelihoods of many species and thus our food chain. Water is becoming scarce, especially clean water.

Stop the water

It is time to act. Now!

We rely on high-profile campaigns, educational offers and specially developed environmental products to create awareness in society and actively contribute to water protection. Together, we can save the way we manage our most precious resources and our waters.

Family icon

For youth groups and school classes

Find out why our rivers and oceans are doing poorly and what you can do to change it!

Icon company

For companies
für Unternehmen

Strengthen team cohesion and do something meaningful at the same time. Come aboard our multifloat!

Our vision

Strong aquatic ecosystems

We want Europe's waters to flow in good ecological health and without harmful residues from industry and agricultural fertilization, and provide habitats for fish, birds and insects. Rivers, lakes and coasts should once again be “green lungs” with high-quality recreation and ports should become an integral part of urban life.

They should also offer innovative options for local supply to the population. Everyone should be aware that clean water is their most important source of livelihood and that a commitment against the pollution of water with plastic, industrial waste water and pollutants from conventional agriculture is worthwhile.

News from Living Waters

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New: Sponsorships for plant islands

Not only do they look beautiful, they also clean the water and are a bee pasture: Thanks to Asahi Kasei Europe for the first 35 plant islands in Düsseldorf's media harbor.

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Source of poison cigarette butts

Cigarette butts cut carelessly into the water are virtually non-existent at Marina Düsseldorf — thanks to the outdoor ashtrays.

Taking responsibility together

Our solutions for clean waters

To protect our waters, we rely on innovative product solutions, high-profile campaigns and offers to transfer knowledge.

Plant island in a river

Plant islands

Floating green

Water purifying plants and insect-friendly flowers grow on recycled glass foam ballast. Their roots absorb excess nutrients and provide habitat for animals. Plant islands with solar panels enrich the water with oxygen and prevent algae growth. Through targeted public relations, we raise awareness of the benefits of these greening measures.

Litter traps

Clean waters

Our floating litter traps clean water bodies efficiently and sustainably by collecting waste. The captured plastic is used to create new trash traps, plant islands or benches. In litter traps with solar panels, an air bubble curtain directs the trash to the trap and enriches the water with oxygen. Clean-ups with families, school groups or companies raise awareness of water protection.

Clear Rivers litter trap
Visualization of the new NEMO multifloat

Multifloat NEMO

Clean-ups and water aeration

The “all-rounder” for heavy tasks: The Multifloat NEMO sets out plant islands, holds large objects such as bicycles or e-scooters and aerates the water over a large area so that blue-green algae have no chance. In order to get as many people as possible excited about water protection, we invite families, school classes and companies to actively participate in the multifloat.

Zero garden

Vegetables, salad and fruit all year round

And that without soil, just with water from the air and addition of nutrients. An innovative, climate-resilient farming method with minimal CO2 emissions in disused sea containers. We provide didactic support for the measure and thus bring about a positive change in awareness and behavior among local people.

Lettuce in a vertical farm